Confession is good for the soul, and while I am really embarrassed about this incident, others may benefit from my mistake. Bottom line: My favorite front yard tree was almost strangled with a dog chain. Please don’t do this.
Here’s how it happened: We had an old dog, who enjoyed sitting out in the yard, especially if I was out there working. She also had an unfortunate tendency to wander over to other people’s yards to do her business, so we put a longish dog chain (covered in plastic) around the tree so she would stay in our yard. We usually took this chain off in the winter, but we didn’t do it every year, and it soon just became part of the scenery.
Last winter, after a long, good life, the dog died. We had not taken the chain off last fall. In April, we got a younger dog, who had been bounced around quite a bit in her first year and a half of life, and as a result was (and is) skittish about many things — including dog chains. So, we had not used the chain this year at all, but left it on the tree, hanging on like Christmas lights in July. While mowing the yard recently, I noticed that the shape of the tree looked a little weird at the bottom. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the tree’s diameter had grown a lot this year, what with all the good rain we’ve had, and was larger than the chain loop, which was now cutting into the bark.
I tried to remove the chain, but the hook itself was stuck in the bark, and no amount of pulling seemed to release it. Not wanting to damage the tree taking the chain out, I went inside to do some research. I was horrified to discover that strangulation by dog chain was a common (and particularly idiotic) cause of tree death, according to many sources. Most of the sources basically said, if you let this happen, the tree is a goner, because the chain will cut through the phloem, the tissue which transports nutrients between the crown and roots, essentially choking the tree’s vascular system. My heart sank. I could see the headline: Tree Strangled with Dog Chain by Garden Writer.
I decided to get an expert opinion on this situation, though, and stopped at Knecht’s Nurseries and Landscaping, the landscapers who have helped me with several projects, including selecting and planting this tree. After describing the situation as likely dismal, Deb Knecht told me that she and Leif would stop by during their lunch break, so Leif could inspect. When their truck pulled up, I mentally prepared myself for the worst, and some much-deserved ribbing from Leif.
But instead he gave me hope.
“It’s close, but I don’t think you’ve killed it,” he said. “Just get the chain off as soon as you can.” He suggested I use a bolt cutter to make a couple of snips, and then the rest of the chain would roll right off. As he left, he smiled and said, “You probably should take a picture of it, though.” (See above.)
Right after they left, I shot down to the hardware store and bought a small bolt cutter. It took two cuts, but once those were accomplished, the rest of the chain came off easily, except for the hook, which I had to tug at a bit. Because the tree has had adequate moisture and fertilizer, there isn’t anything else I can do for it now. Time and nature will — we hope — allow the tree to heal.
I’ve learned my lesson, though, and I hope those of you with dogs will add one more chore to your fall garden chore list: Take chain off tree.
Interesting post. I happened upon your blog post because I volunteer with a group called Dogs Deserve Better, which is dedicated to ending the practice of keeping dogs perpetually chained. Surely you’ve seen some of these sad creatures: staked to a small patch of land for year upon agonizing year, often under the guise of the dog “guarding” something.
Anyway, I was relieved that your post was about how you almost killed a TREE with a dog chain — and that you did/do not appear to engage in the practice of keeping your dog chained for long periods.
As you might not be aware, the same fate that befell your tree often befalls perpetually chained dogs: They grow, but their collars do not. “Embedded collar” is a term that DDB volunteers encounter virtually every day in their rescue work. It is shocking how many people let their dogs skin grow over their collar as they subject their canine “friend” to years of loneliness, baking heat, skull-crushing cold, parasites, flies, etc. etc. etc.
Anyway. Just sharing:
Thanks for commenting, Monica. It’s hard to believe anyone would do that to a dog. As I noted in the post, we used the chain with our old dog because she liked to wander next door to relieve herself (we do not have a fenced yard) and also liked to be outside when I when I was (or rather, did not like to be inside, when I was outside.) Best of luck in your work helping dogs!
Thanks for the tip! It’s a good thing that the chain didn’t completely kill your tree. You saved it in time!
Oh, you caught the tree in time, that is great! We did the same thing here once, only it was a nylon rope that had been tied to a tree branch for a temporary wash line. Hard to believe that a nylon rope can strangle a tree branch but it did, and we weren’t as fortunate to catch it as soon as you rescued yours. The tree did survive, at least so far, 15 years later. Living in the country, we find old barbed wire line fences completely embedded in trees over time, even metal fence posts. It’s amazing what trees can survive.
And I am with Monica in the above post; I have seen many dogs chained up for no good reason–it’s one thing if you are just keeping them close by during the day, but why have a dog if all you want to do is tie him up for the rest of his life so he can ‘guard’ something? What a miserable life, if only people could walk a mile in their pawprints, they might understand what a travesty it truly is.